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Bompas & Parr

Original price was: £15.00.Current price is: £12.00.

Bompas & Parr were founded June 2007 by Sam Bompas and Harry Parr and creates food art using gelatin desserts, colloquially called jellies. Named after the defunct food company of the same name, the company uses food moulds to make edible decorations shaped like buildings and other architectural structures.

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Bompas & Parr were founded June 2007 by Sam Bompas and Harry Parr and creates food art using gelatin desserts, colloquially called jellies. Named after the defunct food company of the same name, the company uses food moulds to make edible decorations shaped like buildings and other architectural structures.

The work of Bompas & Parr has been noted for its detail and have competed in culinary artwork competitions, an example being the Architectural Jelly Design Competition organised for the London Festival of Architecture. The company claims their projects explore how the taste of food is altered through synaesthesia, performance and setting. Currently the focus of their projects is gelatin-based because they feel it is a perfect medium for an examination of food and architecture due to its plastic form and the historic role it has played in exploring notions of taste.

Bompas & Parr also claim to be the first group to ever record the sound of jelly wobbling. After a food fight erupted at one of Bompass and Parr’s first major events, the Architectural Jelly Banquet, the company introduced payment for its events.

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