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Be flexible, take advantage of deals. There are times when a particular destination or site is either cheaper or more expensive. Find that information and take advantage of it.
Saving Up and Cutting Cost on Trips
If you know how much things cost, where to find deals and what to expect, you’ll be able to budget better. Don’t feel shy to ask hotel staffs, taxi drivers and be friendly with the locals to ask them where they like to eat and drink. Of course, there are mobile applications and websites that help you find the best deal for the money.

Inclusion – International airport pickup and drop service – Welcome and farewell dinner – Bus transport as per mention in the itinerary – Trekking conservation permit – Trekking Register Certificate – Equipped and insured trekking porter (one porter in between 2 person) – Experienced and first aid trained license holder trekking guide – Tea House accommodation during the trek in double occupancy – All meals during the trek (B=breakfast, L=Lunch, D= Dinner) – Breakfast will be served with tea

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While we can’t tell you who your leader is prior to departure, we can tell you they will be awesome. Our leaders are experts in their regions, some because they’ve been travelling there for years, others because they’re local to the region and can’t wait to show you around. On longer journeys, or ones that travel through more than one country, you may change leaders part way through – but this just means double the awesomeness.

Although you won’t be reimbursed for any portion of the trip unused, you can opt to sign off the trip if you need to leave a day or so earlier. If you let us know before travel that you’ll be arriving late or need to leave before the trips ends, we will notify our team on the ground to best accommodate your requirements.