Justice League: War is a direct-to-video animated superhero film featuring the DC Comics superhero team the Justice League, and an adaptation of the story Justice League: Origin by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee, the first story in DC’s 2011 DC Universe relaunch. It was directed by Jay Oliva, scripted by Heath Corson. It is the first movie from the DC Universe Animated Original Movies series that is part of a new shared continuity, the DC Animated Movie Universe.[1] The film was released for downloading on January 21, 2014[2] and was released on Blu-ray and DVD formats on February 4, 2014.[3] It had its world premiere at the Paley Center for Media on the same day.[4] On August 11, 2015, Warner Home Video re-released the film on a combo pack, which includes a DVD and Blu-Ray copy, a digital copy, and the graphic novel it’s based on.