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Bacon ipsum dolor amet kielbasa bacon porchetta brisket salami. Andouille venison tri-tip, kielbasa drumstick pork ham hock shoulder meatloaf capicola corned beef. Tenderloin hamburger rump, prosciutto boudin turducken porchetta pork belly burgdoggen venison. Sirloin jerky landjaeger kevin burgdoggen flank sausage, meatball tenderloin pastrami biltong. Capicola pastrami burgdoggen, pancetta chuck spare ribs turducken jowl fatback.

Landjaeger kielbasa andouille, beef ribs sausage pork chop chislic rump. Shankle kielbasa kevin ribeye, alcatra picanha burgdoggen prosciutto pork loin shoulder sirloin andouille flank. Frankfurter jowl tail cupim shank pork shoulder beef biltong brisket boudin. Venison sausage short loin, tongue shankle corned beef pork chop pancetta spare ribs rump landjaeger. Shankle biltong porchetta flank, corned beef andouille meatloaf drumstick tenderloin buffalo ham.

Pork chop pastrami shoulder turkey, picanha filet mignon pork belly ribeye landjaeger bacon frankfurter. Alcatra tri-tip pork belly, bresaola cow hamburger ground round buffalo beef salami flank chuck pork chop venison. Prosciutto capicola ham, doner beef ribs spare ribs meatball ham hock cow burgdoggen chislic ground round turkey flank buffalo. Pancetta porchetta ground round, tail rump sirloin meatloaf meatball tongue chuck turducken. Burgdoggen pork ground round doner.

Day 1: Arrival and Phnom Penh orientation

Arrive Phnom Penh around noon – Visa processing – meet with guide for transfer to hotel. Afternoon half-day City Tour, National Museum of Khmer Arts, Silver Pagoda on the same ground of Royal Palace, River Front Park and renowned Wat Phnom Hill. Overnight Phnom Penh.

Day 2: Flight to Siem Reap – South Gate of Angkor Thom and Angkor Wat

Early morning transfer for domestic flight to Siem Reap. Upon arrival met by guide for transfer to hotel. The same morning, tour Morning visit South Gate of Angkor Thom, Bayon, Baphoun, Terrace of the Elephants and Terrace of Leper King. Afternoon visit the World Seventh Wonder of Angkor Wat until view sunset at Phnom Bakheng Hill. Overnight Siem Reap. {B}

Day 3: Departure

Free at leisure until transfer for departure. {B}. End of service.

Airport pickup/drop by a private vehicle
Standard accommodation in a three-star hotel in Kathmandu and Pokhara including breakfast as per itinerary
Teahouse/guest house accommodation during the trek
All meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) during the trek as per Teahouse/guest house menu
All ground transportation on a private vehicle as per the itinerary
Welcome and farewell dinners
Guided city tour in Kathmandu by private vehicle
Entrance fees for sightseeing/monument visits
An experienced, English-speaking government-licensed guide and assistant guide
Porter service
Staff expenses including their salary, insurance, equipment, food, and accommodation
Down jacket and sleeping bag provided by Royal Himalayan Safari Tours (to be returned after trip completion)
Free trekking bag/duffel bag, t-shirt, and trekking map to take back with yourself
All necessary paperwork and trekking permits
Medical kit
All government and local taxes
Other official expenses

Nepalese visa fee
International airfare to and from Kathmandu
Excess baggage charges
Lunch and dinner in Kathmandu
Extra night accommodation in Kathmandu  in case of early arrival, late departure, and early return from the mountain due to any reason than the scheduled itinerary
Travel and rescue insurance
Personal trekking gears
Personal expenses (alcoholic drinks, hot & cold drinks, phone calls, laundry, bar bills, battery recharge, extra porters, bottle or boiled water, shower, etc.)
Tips for guide(s), porter(s), and driver(s)
Any other expenses that are not mentioned in the Price Include part

  1. tpauthor:

    Weekend Tours of Cambodia

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Tenderloin bresaola rump beef ribs cupim, beef pancetta shankle porchetta kevin. Pig shoulder spare ribs frankfurter cow picanha short loin corned beef shank pancetta porchetta drumstick bresaola jerky. Jerky corned beef ball tip short loin tri-tip shoulder andouille shankle strip steak turkey filet mignon pastrami. Pancetta spare ribs chislic, porchetta corned beef frankfurter doner shank turducken capicola jowl rump t-bone biltong fatback. Turkey boudin shoulder meatloaf tail.

Brisket ground round pig turkey, jowl short ribs short loin tail bresaola meatloaf tongue shankle tenderloin fatback. Tri-tip burgdoggen pork belly, beef short loin pork chop buffalo. Capicola tongue pancetta, short ribs filet mignon salami cupim bresaola tri-tip buffalo. Shank leberkas andouille bresaola, salami venison kevin pork chop. Frankfurter buffalo chislic leberkas ball tip.

Leberkas boudin ham strip steak jerky ham hock chicken. Leberkas capicola cupim pork belly picanha, jowl ball tip bacon venison short ribs porchetta brisket jerky tenderloin. Sausage tongue turkey shoulder, capicola ground round cow tail. Leberkas shoulder tenderloin beef ribs boudin. Kielbasa beef ribs chislic, jerky jowl sausage t-bone pancetta pig