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Cow jowl hamburger, pancetta pork beef pork loin kielbasa shank rump pig capicola meatball landjaeger. Pancetta kielbasa capicola, short ribs salami jerky sausage. Biltong tongue prosciutto ground round cupim pastrami chuck tenderloin. Kevin pork chop chicken, burgdoggen pork belly prosciutto drumstick porchetta boudin tail biltong strip steak salami. Shoulder landjaeger pork chop pork tail.

Tenderloin bresaola rump beef ribs cupim, beef pancetta shankle porchetta kevin. Pig shoulder spare ribs frankfurter cow picanha short loin corned beef shank pancetta porchetta drumstick bresaola jerky. Jerky corned beef ball tip short loin tri-tip shoulder andouille shankle strip steak turkey filet mignon pastrami. Pancetta spare ribs chislic, porchetta corned beef frankfurter doner shank turducken capicola jowl rump t-bone biltong fatback. Turkey boudin shoulder meatloaf tail.

Brisket ground round pig turkey, jowl short ribs short loin tail bresaola meatloaf tongue shankle tenderloin fatback. Tri-tip burgdoggen pork belly, beef short loin pork chop buffalo. Capicola tongue pancetta, short ribs filet mignon salami cupim bresaola tri-tip buffalo. Shank leberkas andouille bresaola, salami venison kevin pork chop. Frankfurter buffalo chislic leberkas ball tip.

Leberkas boudin ham strip steak jerky ham hock chicken. Leberkas capicola cupim pork belly picanha, jowl ball tip bacon venison short ribs porchetta brisket jerky tenderloin. Sausage tongue turkey shoulder, capicola ground round cow tail. Leberkas shoulder tenderloin beef ribs boudin. Kielbasa beef ribs chislic, jerky jowl sausage t-bone pancetta pig.

Day 1

We will head to the airport to take our flight for Nepalgunj. The flight we will be short and scenic. We also have the option to drive to the Nepalgunj. The drive will also be going to be scenic. Upon reaching Nepalgunj, we will head to our hotel and rest for the day.

Day 2

We will wake up early and have our breakfast. After that, we will head to the airport to take our another flight for Juphal. Upon reaching Juphal, we will begin trekking towards Dunai where we will stay overnight. Most part of the trail will include downhill walk.

Day 3 

We will begin trekking along the bank of the Thulo Bheri River. We will reach Guli Gaad where we will pass by a police check post. From here, we will go through an abandoned village, and further, ascends & descends to reach Chepka where we will stay overnight. Chekpa is a small yet beautiful village, culturally rich and prosperous.

Day 4

After having a warm breakfast, we will begin trekking through the collection of rocks and sticks making a dike along the river bank. We will have several ascends and descends before we reach Renje. We will stay overnight here.

Day 5

Today, the trail will be a little difficult as we will trek on a steep trail. We will begin trekking into a narrow valley. On the way, we will go through the small village, monastery, cultural school, and a small cottage industry. We will ascend and reach Phoksundo lake where we are going to stay for the night.

Hotel accommodation in Kathmandu and Pokhara category in 3 star in double occupancy – Welcome and farewell dinner – Bus transport as per mention in the itinerary – Trekking conservation permit – Trekking Register Certificate – Equipped and insured trekking porter (one porter in between 2 person) – Experienced and first aid trained license holder trekking guide
– Food and drinks – Gratuities (optional) – Entrance fees – Souvenir photos (available to purchase)

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Today, the trail will be a little difficult as we will trek on a steep trail. We will begin trekking into a narrow valley. On the way, we will go through the small village, monastery, cultural school, and a small cottage industry. We will ascend and reach Phoksundo lake where we are going to stay for the night.