Quitting your job to travel the world is the easy part. Once you pack your bags and set the wheel in the motion, thats when things become tricky. Quickly, the realisations hit you like a tsunami.Quitting your job to travel the world is the easy part. Once you pack your bags and set the wheel in the motion, thats when things become tricky. Quickly, the realisations hit you like a tsunami.Quitting your job to travel the world is the easy part. Once you pack your bags and set the wheel in the motion, thats when things become tricky. Quickly, the realisations hit you like a tsunami.Quitting your job to travel the world is the easy part. Once you pack your bags and set the wheel in the motion, thats when things become tricky. Quickly, the realisations hit you like a tsunami.Quitting your job to travel the world is the easy part. Once you pack your bags and set the wheel in the motion, thats when things become tricky. Quickly, the realisations hit you like a tsunami.