Choosing a destination for studying abroad is an important and difficult task. This is a decision that can change your life. An informed judgment will make sure that your future is secure. Coming to the point, why would anyone want to study abroad? The best reason is that most of the time, best colleges and universities offering your desired courses are located in any other country. This means that the you have to make a decision based on several factors, like tuition fee, accommodation, work opportunities and the curriculum and program. Every year several companies come out with a list of best universities in the world which help students to choose the best option. Here is a list of countries which are best when it comes to studying abroad. Let me know what you think about this list because I created this with all the feedback gathered from other people who have studied in these countries and by checking all different study abroad opportunities in the countries.


UK tops this list as the best place to study. The country topped several other lists around the world for being the top study abroad destination. Study in UK, because there are all kinds of programs that you can avail. Several of the world’s leading universities are scattered in different parts of the island. The four countries of UK (England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales) are all top destinations for business, information technology and other courses. MBA in UK might be the top program offered as most of the students looking to study in UK choose this course.


The second best destination is Australia. Although the program quality and variations are almost the same in Australia and UK but the latter wins the race with the high number of foreign students. There are more than 50 universities in the country and a large number of them rank in the top 50 universities of the world. The spoken language is English in Australia which makes it quite easy for foreign students. MBA in Australia is the top program along with other courses like medicine, engineering, environmental sciences and others.


The English and French speaking Canada has a large number of universities offering top programs and study centers. Apart from good universities, students can also find work in the country and many of the foreign students settle in the country. Although the tuition fee might seem a little high, but the quality of education and programs will make up for it. If you don’t worry about how much your degree will cost you, then Canada is your destination.


Dutch universities have a very good reputation in the world. Medicine, IT, humanitarian sciences and other courses offered in Dutch universities are some of the best in the world. In 2013, twelve universities from Netherlands were ranked in the top 20 of the world. This is quite an impressive number considering that there are 30 or so universities in the country.

New Zealand

There are total eight universities in New Zealand. But all of them offer internationally recognized education in different sectors. In the recent few years, these universities have started to attract a large number of students from all over the world. The best thing is that the cost of studying abroad in New Zealand is quite reasonable considering other countries which makes it a favorable destinations for foreign students.


Italy homes the oldest university of the world. The country is not just known for pasta, pizza and fine wine, but it is now very famous for those looking for some quality education. There are more than 100 universities in the country offering top courses for medicine, engineering, economics and business among other industries. Language may be a barrier for some but don’t stop this from applying to study in Italy.


The French have a great taste in food, coffee and education. With over 80 universities, many students coming to France for studying don’t want to leave the cultural capital. The cost of living in France may be higher than other European countries but you are getting high quality education. Paris was recently titled the best city for foreign students despite the high living cost. France and Italy both will not only satisfy your educational needs but you can taste some of the best food here as well.


The technology leading country of the world has some of the best colleges and universities in the world. But unfortunately, the cost of studying here is high. If you are looking to study in different fields of technology, medicine, economics, banking, research etc. USA is probably the best destination.


The Germans are known for making some of the best cars in the world. But they are also known for their educational system. The German government provides subsidy for international and domestic students making it a great place to study. Students love to party and this is one destination where you can study during the week and enjoy on the weekend.

Japan, Singapore, Malaysia

These three countries offer a very good educational system. Japan and Singapore are known for their technology research and have a lot of good institutes. But Tokyo and Singapore may be a bit expensive to live in. Malaysia on the other hand has an affordable higher educational system compared to its neighboring countries.


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